יום רביעי, 5 באוגוסט 2015

CROWN model

The newest model for develop a person. This model was created by Nir Golan, Educational and Leadership Expert. A crown is a termination of a tower consisting of a lantern like steeple supported entirely by a number of flying buttresses, or a knot made by interweaving the strands at the end of a rope, often made as the beginning of a back splice or as the first stage in tying a more elaborate knot. It is a symbol to the perception of how to develop a person: improve his abilities, increase his passion and identify his added value, his uniqueness.

The CROWN model contains 5 steps:
Way forward

Compassion is a feeling of deep sympathy accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering, find a solution. Compassion comes from Medieval Latin passiōn- (stem of passiō) and a variant of preposition cum- with.
When you sympathize with someone, you have compassion for that person, but you don’t necessarily feel her feelings.
Compassion is taken a step further, where a person feels empathy and then a desire to help alleviate the suffering of the other person. 
From the above, it appears that there 3 stages that correspond to the 3 concepts:
Sympathy focuses on awareness;
Empathy focuses on experience; and 
Compassion focuses on action

Reality is introducing facts, examples, quotations, emails and other data.
Discussion with the person in order to identify the main reason for his behavior:
·        Gap: 4 optional reasons:
Knowledge: "I didn't know that…"
Awareness: "I didn't pay attention/ notice, I wasn't aware…"
Attitude/ Opinion: "I don’t agree/ accept…"
Skill: "I didn't know what to do/ how to deal with it…"
·        Success: 4 optional reasons:
Knowledge: "I knew that…"
Awareness: "I paid attention, I noticed, I was aware…"
Attitude/ Opinion: "I agree/ accept…"
Skill: "I knew what to do / how to deal with it…"

The directions that can be taken in order close the gap/ preserve success?
The type of gap and the ways to address (change/preserve the pattern or behavior)
Knowledge: Provide person with the necessary information
Awareness: Give the person examples, evidence of the pattern/ behavior. Explain to him the rational, the ‘why’. Give him some practical tips that will help him to pay attention, be aware to this pattern/ behavior.
Attitude/ Opinion: Explain the rational, the ‘why’, use techniques for changing the attitude/ behavior. 
Skill: Tools, practical tips. Exercise/ practice them.

Way forward
It is about building a concrete action plan.
Summary and expression of support, define action items, document highlights and next steps.
Documentation is necessary:
Date/ Issue/ Feedback given/ Response of recipient/ FU action/ FU date

A win-win outcome is usually the best result. Although this may not always be possible, through negotiation, it should be the ultimate goal.
Agreement can be achieved once understanding of both sides’ viewpoints and interests have been considered. 
It is essential to for everybody involved to keep an open mind in order to achieve an acceptable solution.  Any agreement needs to be made perfectly clear so that both sides know what has been decided.

Furthermore, compassion and the way issues are negotiated must be understood as negotiating will require different methods in different situations.

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